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Home Workers

Solutions for ‘Working From Home’, Home Workers, Telephony, Secure Workplace access, and ‘Tools for the Job’.


VPN-Working From Home

Virus Lockdown Impact Scenario

The CoronaVirus has sent businesses into turmoil through the lockdown imposed on workers, but in all fairness, provision should already have been in place for such eventualities. However, it has proven not to be the case. Business as usual should be considered at all times and we can help you through this! Secure Home Working is the answer.

What should we consider for Business as Usual (BAU)?

We need internal and external contact with our customers and employees. We need to be able to send and receive emails, we need to be able to securely access documents stored within the workplace, we need to access accounting systems, ordering systems, and this all needs to be performed in a secure environment but from multiple remote locations, i.e. homeworkers own homes.

What are we already armed with?

  • Corporate file systems and applications.
  • Email System.
  • VOIP Telephony system.
  • Homeworkers Laptop.
  • Homeworkers Broadband connection.

So, what do we need to put in place?

We are looking at access to:

  • Telephones.
  • Email / Messaging.
  • Corporate File Systems and Applications.

So we need to deploy …

  • VPN Solution
  • Softphone
  • and … so that’s all?

Quite frankly, yes. This is all  you need to get this homeworkers solution off the ground.

Let’s explain the solution

Various assumptions have been made here in as much as you already have a corporate network and modern VOIP telephone system installed and operational within your business. Obviously if you do not have any of this in place then we can help you with the whole package.

… and so to the main solution, the VPN

So what is a VPN and why is it good for me?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enables a secure connection to a business computer network from ‘Road Warriors’ or mobile and home workers. This involves placing a small computer server facility in between your corporate network and the internet. This ‘server’ provides the main access and is protected by a number of factors. End-to-end encryption, security certificates and of course a username and password. We take care of this server and configuration for you, and all that is left would be to install a client program on your users PC’s, laptop, Apple IOS, or Android device(s).

This configuration will provide you with the full access to your corporate network from a home location (broadband connection required). You can then have access to everything that you could access when you were sitting at your desk in the office, cool eh?

One final addition to give you your full office access would be installing a Soft Phone. This would then enable your office extension to be securely piped through to your mobile device just as if you were sitting at your desk!

Where do I go from here?

Contact ACEBAU today and we can give you an idea of what is next. If everything is place you could have this live for all your workplace users within days.


How well does this work?

Using a VPN and Soft Phone is how we operate our business 100% of the time. We don’t need offices. Our technicians carry these devices with them all of the time and have done so for the last 15 years and it certainly works for us, so we are certain this would be right for you!

Contact ACEBAU today!